6  Exploratory data analysis

6.1 Lesson preamble:

6.1.1 Lesson objectives:

  • Implications of (not) understanding your data
    • How did you collect your data?
    • What are the properties of your data?
  • Exploring and asking questions about your data with graphing/visualization
  • Using insights from exploratory analysis to clean up data:
    • Dealing with unusual values/outliers
    • Dealing with missing values (NAs)

6.1.2 Lesson outline:

  • Data properties, initial predictions (15 min)
  • Plotting and exploring data (45 min)
  • Dealing with unusual values (15 min)
  • Re-connecting with our predictions (30 min)
  • Dealing with missing values (15 min)

6.2 Introduction

Exploratory data analysis is your exciting first look at your data! It’s a chance to develop a better understanding of the variables in your data set and the relationships between them. You can check your assumptions, find outliers, and possible errors. But THEN you’ll get to ask your questions! Yay!!

You need to understand your data you before you analyze it.

  1. What kind of data is it?

  2. What variation is present in my data?

  3. Are there any data points with values beyond the limits I anticipated?

  4. Do you notice any patterns?

The patterns you see can lead you to exciting new questions you may not have anticipated!

6.3 Setup

We’ll use what you’ve learned in past lectures about summarizing and visualizing data with dplyr and ggplot to get to know some data!


# note: data/ provides a relative path to file; same below

We’re going to load the genomic data we have on the frequency of highly conserved genes and the frequency of a type of repetitive element (LTRs stands for Long Terminal Repeat - there’s some more info on them coming up in the ‘predictions’ section).

geneDensity <- read_tsv("data/pseudo.ara.busco", 
                        col_names = c("chromosome", "start", "end", "winNum", 
                                      "numElements", "numBases", "winSize", 
Rows: 48952 Columns: 8
── Column specification ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
Delimiter: "\t"
chr (1): chromosome
dbl (7): start, end, winNum, numElements, numBases, winSize, density

ℹ Use `spec()` to retrieve the full column specification for this data.
ℹ Specify the column types or set `show_col_types = FALSE` to quiet this message.
ltrDensity <- read_tsv("data/pseudo.LTRs", 
                       col_names = c("chromosome", "start", "end", "winNum", 
                                     "numElements", "numBases", "winSize", 
Rows: 48952 Columns: 8
── Column specification ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
Delimiter: "\t"
chr (1): chromosome
dbl (7): start, end, winNum, numElements, numBases, winSize, density

ℹ Use `spec()` to retrieve the full column specification for this data.
ℹ Specify the column types or set `show_col_types = FALSE` to quiet this message.

We’re using “read_tsv” because the columns in this file are separated by tabs instead of commas or white space. Our two data sets need some column information to make it more interpretable

6.4 What is my data, actually?

Before we do anything else, we have to think about where this came from & whether the data is appropriate for the kinds of questions we might have.

This data describes a two of the genetic units (we’ll call them “elements”) that live in one plant genome: a set of highly conserved genes and one type of transposon (a “selfish” gene that makes copies of itself at the expense of its host genome). The chromosomes have been broken down into 1Mb pieces (“windows”) that overlap each other. In each window, we know the number and size (base pairs occupied) of the conserved genes and transposons.

6.4.1 Predictions

It’s always good to lay out your hypotheses first. It can help you figure out how you need to assemble your data in order to test those predictions effectively.

  1. In areas where gene density is high, LTR density is low
    • LTRs are a type of transposable element, aka “genomic parasite”
      • They make copies of themselves at the expense of their host genome
      • They make up a large portion of plant genomes (can be >40%!)
      • The host genome wants to prevent them from replicating
    • Certain regions of a chromosome are more tightly wound up with histones
      • This makes them less accessible to molecular machinery
      • If polymerases aren’t likely to access a region, the region can’t be expressed
      • If a region is unexpressed, you don’t want genes there!!
      • LTRs tend to accumulate in these regions
    • More accessible, active regions of a chromosome have higher gene content
      • These regions can be expressed effectively!
      • LTRs that insert into these regions have a worse impact on the host
    • Other factors like recombination rate and methylation also support this pattern
  2. The sex chromosome (LG_X) will have higher LTR density
    • Larger proportions of sex chromosomes are less accessible
    • Sex chromosomes experience lower rates of recombination relative to autosomes
      • Also correlated with higher transposon density and lower gene density
    • These trends are more true for non-recombining Y chromosomes than X chromosomes
      • Recombination can occur between the two X chromosomes in females

6.4.2 First Peek

First, let’s just take a quick look at the gene density data set and ask ourselves what we’re dealing with. On a very basic level, what kind of variables do we have?

What is one way to view a data frame?

#head(geneDensity) # prints the first 6 rows
#tail(geneDensity) #prints the last 6 rows
glimpse(geneDensity) #prints number of rows and columns, column names, types, and several entries
Rows: 48,952
Columns: 8
$ chromosome  <chr> "LG_N", "LG_N", "LG_N", "LG_N", "LG_N", "LG_N", "LG_N", "L…
$ start       <dbl> 0, 20000, 40000, 60000, 80000, 100000, 120000, 140000, 160…
$ end         <dbl> 1000000, 1020000, 1040000, 1060000, 1080000, 1100000, 1120…
$ winNum      <dbl> 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17,…
$ numElements <dbl> 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2…
$ numBases    <dbl> 2499, 2499, 10158, 11583, 11583, 11583, 11583, 11583, 1158…
$ winSize     <dbl> 1e+06, 1e+06, 1e+06, 1e+06, 1e+06, 1e+06, 1e+06, 1e+06, 1e…
$ density     <dbl> 0.002499, 0.002499, 0.010158, 0.011583, 0.011583, 0.011583…

What are your first impressions of the data?

Which variables will be relevant for testing our predictions?

6.4.3 Basic Variable Categories

Common variable types:

  • Independent vs dependent
  • Continuous vs discrete
  • Qualitative: categorical/nominal, ranked/ordinal, dichotomous
  • Quantitative: interval, ratio

This matters because the type of data tells us the appropriate way to visualize it:

  • Qualitative data: pie charts or bar charts
  • Quantitative data: histograms, box plots

6.5 Visualizing Your Data

6.5.1 Describing Patterns in Histograms

For a given variable, you’re generally looking at the range of values and where the majority of the data lies. This gives you an idea of the distribution of your data. As you’re aware, many statistical tests make assumptions about the distribution of your input data - it’s very important to make note of the shapely properties of your data.

  • Average (mean, median, mode)
  • Range (max, min)
  • Skewness: how symmetrical is your data around the average?
    • Classic bell curve has a skew of zero
    • If your data isn’t symmetrical, that can give you important info!
    • Skewed distributions aren’t likely to be normally distributed
  • Kurtosis: how sharp is your central peak?
    • If your distribution is basically flat, its kurtosis is negative
    • If your distribution has a huge spike, its kurtosis will be positive

6.5.2 Qualitative Data with Histograms

Histograms are great for qualitative data because they visualize the number of times a given value appears in your data.

6.5.3 Quantitative Data with Histograms

Histograms can provide a useful view into continuous data, providing that you tell ggplot how to group your data into discrete bins. Here, we can look at our data’s values for gene density. This density is a measurement of the number of base pairs in a 1Mb window that are part of a gene divided by the total number of base pairs in the window (1 000 000).

ggplot(geneDensity, aes(density)) +
  geom_histogram(binwidth = 0.01) + 
  labs(title = "Distribution of gene density values",
       x = "Gene density", y = "Count (bin size = 0.01)") # Adding labels helps!

What are some words you’d use to describe this distribution?

6.5.4 Binning Quantitative Data

When you’re subsetting continuous data into discrete bin widths, it’s important to try out different values because different bin sizes can give vastly different impressions of your data’s distribution.

ggplot(geneDensity, aes(density)) +
  geom_histogram(binwidth = 0.001) +  # Teeny tiny bins
  labs(title = "Distribution of gene density values",
       x = "Gene density", y = "Count (bin size = 0.001)")

ggplot(geneDensity, aes(density)) +
  geom_histogram(binwidth = 0.1) +  # Huge bins! (for this data)
  labs(title = "Distribution of gene density values",
       x = "Gene density", y = "Count (bin size = 0.1)")

It’s also interesting to see whether your data’s distribution is different among the categories you’re looking at. Is there variation in the species diversity in Canadian tundra environments different when compared to all areas sampled in Canada? (Do be careful with this, because looking for patterns by poking your data into a bunch of different subsets will basically guarantee you’ll find a pattern, whether or not it’s biologically relevant.) Histogram for One Chromosome

Let’s see whether the gene density on one of the autosomes (how about LG_2) fits the general pattern.

(Based on our initial hypotheses, would you predict that it would?)

It is important to consider how your predictions may affect the way you filter your data, so be mindful about tweaking parameters (like bin width) to fit the output you expect!

geneDensity %>%
  filter(chromosome == "LG_2") %>%
  ggplot(aes(density)) +
  geom_histogram(binwidth = 0.01) +
  labs(title = "Distribution of gene density values on LG_2",
       x = "Gene density", y = "Count")

The range for the x axis is much smaller! The maximum gene density here (~12%) is much smaller than the highest value in the full genome data set (~40/50%).

(Why might this be?)

One of the aspects of your data that you can’t visualize well with a histogram is whether there are any values that exceed the limits you expected for your data.

6.5.5 Scatterplots & Box plots More info! Less bias!

With quantitative data, we can get more information by looking at scatterplots and box plots. Not only are they immune to bin size bias, they can help us find outliers and let us make initial visual comparisons of averages across categories. Visualize raw data as a scatterplot

We know that “chromosome” is a categorical, independent variable appropriate for our X axis and that “density” is a continuous, dependent variable that will be appropriate for the Y.

ggplot(geneDensity, aes(x = chromosome, y = density)) +
  geom_point() +
  labs(title = "Comparison of gene density across chromosomes",
       x = "Chromosome", y = "Gene density")

Already, we can see that there different maximum gene density values on each chromosome. Because the points are overlapping, it’s hard to evaluate what the average or skewness might be for any of the categories. Boxplots for better comparisons

Because boxplots display the median and quartile limits, it’s much easier to evaluate the properties of the distribution.

ggplot(geneDensity, aes(x = chromosome, y = density)) +
  geom_boxplot() +
  labs(title = "Comparison of gene density across chromosomes",
       x = "Chromosome", y = "Gene density")

There’s definitely a value that jumps out immediately. It’s stretching the scale of the Y axis so that it’s hard to effectively compare the medians of each of the chromosomes.

Before we officially decide what to do with this outlier, we’ll visually set it aside for now by re-scaling our Y axis, which we’ve already learned how to do!

ggplot(geneDensity, aes(x = chromosome, y = density)) +
  geom_boxplot() +
  ylim(0, 0.125) + #other methods possible
  labs(title = "Comparison of gene density across chromosomes",
       x = "Chromosome", y = "Gene density")
Warning: Removed 1 row containing non-finite outside the scale range

Look at that handy warning! It lets us know that one value was thrown out: “removed 1 rows”. This view helps us to get a better general understanding of how this categorical “chromosome” value might relate to gene density. However! It’s important not to throw out data unless you have good reason to believe it doesn’t belong in the data set.

Bonus note: you can use the coord_cartesian function instead of ylim. It won’t warn you if any of your data points are beyond the limits of the axes, though. Boxplot augmentations

There are a few additional things we can do that might make boxplots even more informative for our data.

  • Violin plots - boxplots but with curves instead of boxes
  • Adding a scatterplot behind the boxplot
  • Adding “jitter” to scatterplots so the points are offset
    • Additionally, you can make the points more transparent (change the alpha value)
  • You can also add a trend line to help you visualize potential relationships
ggplot(geneDensity, aes(x = chromosome, y = density)) +
  geom_jitter(alpha = 0.1, width = 0.3) +
  geom_violin() + 
  labs(title = "Comparison of gene density across chromosomes",
       x = "Chromosome", y = "Gene density")

Making the points more transparent gives us a better idea of what density values are most common. You can see this at the bottom of the graph, where the points don’t look transparent at all - so many data points!! What about the other variables?

This data describes a few of the genetic “bits” (we generally call them “elements”) live in one plant genome. The chromosomes have been broken down into 1Mb pieces (“windows”) that overlap each other and the contents of each window have been averaged. We’ve got information on the density of conserved genes and one type of transposon for each window.

Average number of genes in bins along chromosomes.

Definitely more interesting to compare across the categories built into our data (here, chromosomes) to see how the gene density looks in each one separately. We can see whether the global pattern is present in each category. But how can we get all that info in one graph??

First step is to ask ourselves what we currently have in our data. If our category for comparison is chromosome, what independent variables are shared among them that could facilitate comparison of the dependent gene density variable?

# A tibble: 6 × 8
  chromosome  start     end winNum numElements numBases winSize density
  <chr>       <dbl>   <dbl>  <dbl>       <dbl>    <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>
1 LG_N            0 1000000      1           1     2499 1000000 0.00250
2 LG_N        20000 1020000      2           1     2499 1000000 0.00250
3 LG_N        40000 1040000      3           2    10158 1000000 0.0102 
4 LG_N        60000 1060000      4           2    11583 1000000 0.0116 
5 LG_N        80000 1080000      5           2    11583 1000000 0.0116 
6 LG_N       100000 1100000      6           2    11583 1000000 0.0116 

Start, end, and winNum would all be reasonable proxies for position along the chromosome.

geneDensity %>%
  filter(chromosome == "LG_2") %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = start, y = density)) +
  geom_point() +
  labs(title = "Comparison of gene density along LG_2",
       x = "Chromosomal position (bp)", y = "Gene density")

This gives us an overview of how many of the conserved genes are found in which region of this LG_2 chromosome.

To be able to compare all the chromosomes at the same time, we can split our graph into “facets” so there’s one per chromosome, as you’ve learned how to in the last lecture.

ggplot(geneDensity, aes(x=start, y=density)) +
  geom_point() +
  labs(title="Comparison of gene density across chromosomes",
       x="Chromosomal position (bp)", y="Gene density") +
  facet_wrap( vars(chromosome) )

Because not all of the chromosomes are the same length, the data appears more squished in some of the panels. We can adjust that by telling facet wrap to scale the X axis per-panel instead of globally.

If we want to be able to visually compare the densities across chromosomes, we should not allow the Y axis to scale freely. We can, however, set a limit for the Y axis values, as we’ve done before.

Use different command for scaling the Y axis

ggplot(geneDensity, aes(x = start, y = density)) +
  geom_point() +
  coord_cartesian( ylim = c(0,0.13) ) +
  labs(title = "Comparison of gene density across chromosomes",
       x = "Chromosomal position (bp)", y = "Gene density") +
  facet_wrap( vars(chromosome), scales = "free_x" )

Cool, eh?? The chromosomes have very different patterns! The range and distribution of values differs considerably!

What are some reasons for gene density to change along a chromosome?

  • Centromeres are mostly made up of repeats - very low gene content
    • Centromeres can be in the middle or near one end of a chromosome
    • Where do you think the centromeres are in these chromosomes?
  • Certain regions of a chromosome are more tightly wound up with histones
    • Makes them less accessible to molecular machinery
    • If polymerases don’t reach a region, that region can’t be expressed
    • If a region is unexpressed, you don’t want genes there!
    • Centromeres are generally one of these ‘inactive’ regions
  • More accessible, active regions of a chromosome have higher gene content
    • These regions are generally along chromosome arms

6.5.6 Challenge!

How could you visualize the LTR data across chromosomes? Don’t forget to use axis labels.

What is the range of LTR density for the LG_2 chromosome?

ggplot(ltrDensity, aes(x = chromosome, y = density)) +
  geom_violin() + #boxplot also valid
  geom_point(alpha = 0.01, position = "jitter") +
  labs(title = "Comparison of LTR density across Chromosomes",
       x = "Chromosome", y = "LTR density")

ltrDensity %>%
  group_by(chromosome) %>%
  summarize(mean = mean(density), median = median(density), 
            n = n(), max = max(density))
# A tibble: 5 × 5
  chromosome  mean median     n   max
  <chr>      <dbl>  <dbl> <int> <dbl>
1 LG_2       0.324  0.331 11234 0.488
2 LG_4       0.303  0.320  6520 0.973
3 LG_7       0.331  0.339 15938 0.503
4 LG_N       0.318  0.332  8551 0.476
5 LG_X       0.307  0.315  6709 0.477

Now it’s time to start thinking about what to do with rebellious outliers!

6.6 Outliers

6.6.1 But why are you like this?

There could be many reasons why your data has values that exceed the limits you expected it would have. It basically comes down to error, whether in your data or in the expectation you had for its limits. Consider error carefully.

  • Incorrect prediction of what the limits should be
    • Maybe your study system has different qualities than literature spp.
  • Systematic error is predictable and affects a measurement’s accuracy
    • Incorrectly calibrated lab equipment (pH meter, thermometer, etc.)
    • Genomics - your gene annotation can be biased by repetitive elements
    • Can be very difficult to compensate for this kind of error
  • Random error affects measurement precision (think significant figures)
    • Writing down measurements incorrectly in your notes
    • A lab scale can only weigh samples to a given decimal point
    • Simple human fallibility when it comes to assessing measurements
    • Take multiple measurements and average the results to compensate
  • Common sources
    • This (exploratory data analysis) is a great time to look for issues!
    • Error in previous analysis steps (code that produced LTR density)
    • Erroneous assumptions about your sample sites or methods
  • Don’t just throw out a point because you can ascribe it to error

IMPORTANT NOTE: if you do end up removing any data, you MUST disclose the removal and your justification for the removal. Your reasons could be great, but you need to make sure your audience has access to those reasons.

This consideration of weird values brings up an interesting point: you’re doing these checks because your values are different than what you expected. It’s important to think about analytical ‘controls’ to look for potential errors even when your data looks the way you expect it to! Steps towards this can be as simple as sharing your code publicly.

6.6.2 Let’s take a look!

We had that weird really high gene density value on the LG_X chromosome. Let’s look at what’s happening there.

filter(geneDensity, density > 0.13)
# A tibble: 1 × 8
  chromosome     start       end winNum numElements numBases winSize density
  <chr>          <dbl>     <dbl>  <dbl>       <dbl>    <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>
1 LG_X       134160000 134165151   6709           1     2655    5151   0.515

What do the other variables tell us about this data point?

This data point has a really high winNum, so it’s likely located near the end of the chromosome. But importantly, our windows are supposed to be 1Mb in size (1 000 000 value in the winSize column). The winSize value for this outlier is tiny in comparison!!

6.6.3 Wholesome thoughts about your data

Averages – how was your data collected & what biases might be inherent? The data I’m showing you is a pretty clear example of how important (and difficult) it is to understand what the variables mean in your data sets. What might cause outliers in the kind of data you’re interested in?

That last look showed us that it’s definitely very important to consider our data as a whole: to think not only about the variables relevant to our hypotheses, but the way in which it was collected (how that was reflected in the other properties of the data).

So. Let’s try to understand more about the interaction between gene density and window size in the rest of our data. Visualization time!

ggplot(geneDensity, aes(x = start,y = winSize, colour = chromosome)) +
  geom_point() +
  labs(title = "Window sizes along the chromosome",
       x = "Chromosomal position (bp)", y = "Window size (bp)")

It looks like all of the chromosomes get this trail-off in window size near their ends. This is not what we expected!! All of the squish at the end is basically just error from a previous analysis.

6.7 Compare density with and without outliers

How does this winSize variable impact gene density? What do we predict based on what we know thus far?

It’s much esier to compare when everything is in the same plot. This will be somewhat tricky with the data the way it is. We will need to label each density as either belonging in a “small window” or a “normal window”. We can create a new “winCategory” variable using mutate() and assign the value of “small” to windows with winSize less than 1Mb and “normal” to all the other windows (which we expect will have a value of 1Mb). We can use the function case_when() within mutate() to provide different values depending on conditional statements (much like “if” statements).

geneDensity2 <- geneDensity %>%
  mutate( winCategory = case_when(winSize<1000000 ~ "small",
                                  TRUE ~ "normal") ) %>%
  group_by(winCategory, chromosome)

          mean = mean(density), median = median(density), n = n(), 
          max = max(density), sd = sd(density), .groups = "keep")
# A tibble: 10 × 7
# Groups:   winCategory, chromosome [10]
   winCategory chromosome    mean  median     n    max     sd
   <chr>       <chr>        <dbl>   <dbl> <int>  <dbl>  <dbl>
 1 normal      LG_2       0.0104  0.00481 11184 0.119  0.0168
 2 normal      LG_4       0.0123  0.00730  6470 0.0900 0.0146
 3 normal      LG_7       0.00909 0.00284 15888 0.123  0.0151
 4 normal      LG_N       0.0111  0.00464  8501 0.0690 0.0143
 5 normal      LG_X       0.0119  0.00449  6659 0.0960 0.0175
 6 small       LG_2       0.0443  0.0472     50 0.0964 0.0299
 7 small       LG_4       0       0          50 0      0     
 8 small       LG_7       0.0443  0.0370     50 0.122  0.0233
 9 small       LG_N       0       0          50 0      0     
10 small       LG_X       0.0358  0.0226     50 0.515  0.0705

What can we take away from this table?

The n values are considerably larger for the normal-sized windows group. LG_4 and LG_N had 0 gene density in their small windows but have some of the highest median gene densities in the normal-sized windows.

The standard deviation of the small windows is much higher. Is that what we would expect for that data category? Perhaps most importantly for our purposes, the mean and median are quite different. These smaller windows have considerably different values.

What does this look like in an actual plot? This is going to take a bit of black magic in the form of two separate calls to geom_boxplot(). The first will use all the windows (setting it to colour values by ‘all’) and the second will actually create (and colour) different box plots based on their winCategory value.

ggplot(geneDensity2, aes(x = chromosome, y = density, colour = winCategory)) +
  geom_boxplot( aes(x = chromosome, y = density, colour = "all") ) + 
  geom_boxplot() +
  ylim(0, 0.125) +
  labs(title="Visualizing gene density across window size and chromosome",
       x="Chromosome", y="Gene density", colour="Window\nCategory")
Warning: Removed 1 row containing non-finite outside the scale range (`stat_boxplot()`).
Removed 1 row containing non-finite outside the scale range (`stat_boxplot()`).

The small window values seem quite different than the global gene density results!

Why do you think this might be? Looking back on the summaries, we can see that there aren’t many data points in the ‘small’ window category.

In conclusion!!

These small windows do seem to contain interesting information, but they are over-weighted given the amount of information they’re based on. Based on the analysis conducted to create the windows, it might be appropriate to discard the small windows on the ends of the chromosomes. Each windowed data point is weighted equally, even though these smaller windows contain less information, which creates a bias.

What do you think is the most appropriate way to deal with this data?

Is there a way to weight the gene density by window size?

6.8 So what does this mean for our predictions?

Right. The reason we collected this data in the first place!

  1. In areas where gene density is high, LTR density is low
  2. The sex chromosome (LG_X) will have higher LTR density

Note: preparing data for analysis is generally the most time-consuming part of any project. Establishing what you need to do with your data in order to test your hypotheses & thoroughly exploring your data and its properties are extremely useful steps in this process.

6.8.1 How do we explore these questions?

We need to relate gene density with LTR density. Do we have this data?

Is it currently in a form where we can make comparisons?

Based on the properties of our gene and LTR density data sets, what are the shared “units”? Essentially, what are we trying to compare within and among each chromosome?

# A tibble: 6 × 8
  chromosome  start     end winNum numElements numBases winSize density
  <chr>       <dbl>   <dbl>  <dbl>       <dbl>    <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>
1 LG_N            0 1000000      1           1     2499 1000000 0.00250
2 LG_N        20000 1020000      2           1     2499 1000000 0.00250
3 LG_N        40000 1040000      3           2    10158 1000000 0.0102 
4 LG_N        60000 1060000      4           2    11583 1000000 0.0116 
5 LG_N        80000 1080000      5           2    11583 1000000 0.0116 
6 LG_N       100000 1100000      6           2    11583 1000000 0.0116 
# A tibble: 48,952 × 8
   chromosome  start     end winNum numElements numBases winSize density
   <chr>       <dbl>   <dbl>  <dbl>       <dbl>    <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>
 1 LG_N            0 1000000      1         396   258184 1000000   0.258
 2 LG_N        20000 1020000      2         400   274748 1000000   0.275
 3 LG_N        40000 1040000      3         390   271692 1000000   0.272
 4 LG_N        60000 1060000      4         390   271540 1000000   0.272
 5 LG_N        80000 1080000      5         386   268414 1000000   0.268
 6 LG_N       100000 1100000      6         380   268519 1000000   0.269
 7 LG_N       120000 1120000      7         396   285314 1000000   0.285
 8 LG_N       140000 1140000      8         396   284053 1000000   0.284
 9 LG_N       160000 1160000      9         396   270360 1000000   0.270
10 LG_N       180000 1180000     10         388   267071 1000000   0.267
# ℹ 48,942 more rows

The basic “unit” in this data is the 1Mb window. Because this is shared across the two data sets, we can use it to join them together. Excellent! Actual wrangling

We’re also going to pull out only the variables we now know we’ll need (what’s shared among the data sets and what will be used to try and test our predictions), just because of how large this data frame will be. It’s not a good idea to do this before looking at all the variables together.

simpleGeneDensity <- geneDensity %>%
  mutate(elementType = "gene") %>%
  select(chromosome, start, elementType, density)

simpleLTRdensity <- ltrDensity %>%
  mutate(elementType = "LTR") %>%
  select(chromosome, start, elementType, density)

# A tibble: 6 × 4
  chromosome  start elementType density
  <chr>       <dbl> <chr>         <dbl>
1 LG_N            0 LTR           0.258
2 LG_N        20000 LTR           0.275
3 LG_N        40000 LTR           0.272
4 LG_N        60000 LTR           0.272
5 LG_N        80000 LTR           0.268
6 LG_N       100000 LTR           0.269

At this point, are these data “long” or “wide”? ? Knowledge Check Challenge

Join the two data sets (simpleLTRdensity and simpleGeneDensity) into one data frame called “densities”. As a bonus, try mutating the start variable so that it’s measured in 10kb increments instead of 1bp. This will just make our X axis labels are easier to interpret.

densities <- full_join(simpleLTRdensity, simpleGeneDensity,
                       by = c("chromosome", "start", "elementType", "density")) %>%
  mutate(start = start / 10000) %>%
  group_by(chromosome, elementType)
# A tibble: 6 × 4
# Groups:   chromosome, elementType [1]
  chromosome start elementType density
  <chr>      <dbl> <chr>         <dbl>
1 LG_N           0 LTR           0.258
2 LG_N           2 LTR           0.275
3 LG_N           4 LTR           0.272
4 LG_N           6 LTR           0.272
5 LG_N           8 LTR           0.268
6 LG_N          10 LTR           0.269
rm(simpleGeneDensity, simpleLTRdensity)

We’ve got two independent categorical variables, an independent numerical variable, and a dependent numerical variable. It’s beautiful.

6.8.2 Is gene density high when LTR density is low? (hyp #1)

What variables do we want to plot?

  • Chromosome
  • Start position (bp)
  • Element type
  • Element density Challenge

Of the plot types we’ve used so far, what would you use to try and compare gene densities along the chromosomal positions on each chromosome?

ggplot(densities, aes(x = density, fill = elementType)) +
  geom_histogram( binwidth = 0.03 ) +
  facet_wrap( vars(chromosome), scales = "free_y" ) +
  coord_cartesian(xlim = c(0,0.6)) +
  labs(x = "Element Density", y = "Count", fill = "Element\nType",
       title = "Element densities among chromosomes")

Poking at the histogram shows us some interesting things about differences in the frequencies of LTRs and genes. Gene values have extremely high kurtosis near 0. LG_4 may have the highest median/mode LTR density.

The Y axis can be free-scaled here because all of the counts are based on the size of their chromosome. We don’t want one chromosome to seem like it has a much higher LTR count just because it has more windows (greater n) than the other chromosomes.

This was an interesting plot, but it compares densities across chromosomes more than it looks at differences in LTR/gene patterns within chromosomes.

ggplot(densities, aes(x = start,y = density,colour = elementType)) +
  geom_point(alpha = 0.3) +
  facet_wrap( vars(chromosome), scales = "free_x" ) +
  ylim(0, 0.5) +
  labs(title = "Element densities along chromosomes",
       x = "Chromosomal position (10kb)", y = "Element density",
       colour = "Element\nType")
Warning: Removed 5 rows containing missing values or values outside the scale range

This looks like the kind of information we want! If we squint, we can almost see that increases in gene density seem to correlate with decreases in LTR density.

If you can remember how to add a smooth line to show broad patterns, this will be the easiest view.

ggplot(densities, aes(x = start,y = density,colour = elementType)) +
  geom_smooth() +
  ylim(0, 0.4) +
  facet_wrap( vars(chromosome), scales = "free_x" ) +
  labs(title = "Element densities along chromosomes",
       x = "Chromosomal position (10kb)", y = "Element density",
       colour = "Element\nType")
`geom_smooth()` using method = 'gam' and formula = 'y ~ s(x, bs = "cs")'
Warning: Removed 3700 rows containing non-finite outside the scale range
Warning: Removed 6 rows containing missing values or values outside the scale range

Broadly, we can see that when the LTR density plummets, gene density smudges upward.

6.8.3 Does the sex chromosome (LG_X) have higher LTR density? (hyp #2)

We want to compare LTR densities across chromosomes. How would you do this?

Let’s make a box plot of the LTR densities among chromosomes

ggplot(ltrDensity, aes(x = chromosome, y = density)) +
  geom_boxplot() +
  labs(title = "LTR densities among chromosomes",
       x = "Chromosome", y = "LTR density")

What unusual things do you notice about this plot?

Does this initial exploration lead us to think that the sex chromosome, with its reduced rate of recombination, has accumulated more LTRs?

Based on what we know about the gene density data, what would you suggest we might need to do with this LTR density data?

There is one extreme outlier again - let’s see what happens if we colour the data based on window size. You may notice that this offers a simpler method for quickly visualizing given our outliers. Good eye!

ltrDensity %>%
  ggplot( aes(x = chromosome, y = density, colour = winSize==1000000) ) +
  geom_boxplot() +
  labs(title = "LTR densities among chromosomes",
       x = "Chromosome", y = "LTR density", colour = "Normal\nWindow\nSize")

There are fewer outliers for the windows that are the expected size, but the pattern remains the same. GOOD SIGN! :)

The LTR density does not appear to differ much between the sex chromosome (LG_X) relative to the autosomes.

6.9 References

Zuur, A. F., Ieno, E. N., Elphick, C. S. 2010. A protocol for data exploration to avoid common statistical problems. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 1: 3-14.